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Ladies and Gentlemen

"I just came from my thesis defense. I'm studying Philosophy. My thesis is about prudential rationality—the most rational thing you can do given the resources you have at the present. (So if you're at Beach House puking all over the toilet, what is the most rational thing to do?) (Laughs) You consider your resources. You may not be in the right state of mind to clean because you're drunk. And there might be someone assigned to clean it anyway. There's probably no tissue in that bar. So maybe the most prudent course to take is not to clean it yourself. And finally, I don't go to that place because I'm a prudentially rational person." (Ramon wears a PENSHOPPE shirt.)


Photography by Paolo Crodua

Styling by Jed Gregorio

Interviews by Mara Santillan Miano

Casting by Martin Diegor

This fashion editorial first appeared on the May 2015 issue of Scout.

Categories: Fashion Style