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All our favorite reactions to Mocha Uson getting appointed to the PCOO

Mocha Uson’s political career continues as she got appointed yesterday as the assistant secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office, a higher and more valuable post than her previous government job as a board member of the MTRCB.

Of course, much outrage is in order here. Appointing someone who’s been verified to spread misinformation to a position where communication from the government to the people is a transparent move to legitimize the fanatic propaganda machine (all governments are propaganda machines, but some of them aren’t this bad).

You could say there are no words at how 2017 has gone down and this happens, but the truth is there are a lot of words. We rounded up the best words (word to the Donald) over the internet last night:



Anyway. You know what it is—to quote Mad-Eye Moody, CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

Photo from Kapamilya.com

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