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Nintendo Jumps On Mobile For Real With Super Mario Run

Creator of  Super Mario Bros. Shigeru Miyamoto announced on the last Apple event what we’ve all been looking forward to: a legit Nintendo title going mobile (Nintendo didn’t make Pokemon Go, if you don’t already know.)

It’s called Super Mario Run, and who else than your favorite and most iconic video game character, Mario. Everyone across generations is familiar with Mario, from Super Smash Bros. to Mario Party to Mario World. He’s also a classic icon of Japan.

Nintendo’s been slow on entering mobile gaming, but with Super Mario Run it’s a safe bet that other traditional video game titles are making their way soon enough. However, with console gaming still at the minds of the execs over at Nintendo HQ (how can we forget that Nintendo’s been pumping out consoles since the NES) , any upcoming mobile video game titles under them would probably be ancillary or complementary to their console counterparts.

You know what they should include? Nintendogs. Damn that would be neat. Just imagine the gameplay, but with an iPhone.

Check the gameplay here:

Photo from The Verge.

Categories: Tech Video Games
Lex Celera: