Here’s a deal you don’t want to miss. Hint: It...

Crying over “Your Name” and “Weathering with You” is not...

Don’t fret: It’ll be available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo...

I’m breaking out the L word for Ramona-chan

Meanwhile, tissue makers are making bank

[“Community” voice] 1,000 episodes and a (new) movie!

Also: Evil spirits are involved

Negative energy who?

“Studying is important, but so is rest”

[Weeb gamers have entered the chat]

[Shocked Pikachu face]

In the second episode of “Your Fave’s Fave,” we rave...

*Computer shop war flashbacks*

‘Pacific Rim: The Black’ is the latest installment in the...

“Manila” as a place of catharsis? A brave Choice™ #SeenOnScout

Skechers X “One Punch Man” is the next anime collab...

The power of friendship might be a pet peeve for...

Gucci is taking us to the 22nd century with none...

Choose your fighter, suit your style

I asked 2021 to give me a sign, and I’m...