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The Duffer Brothers’ new WIP? Anime

This is my “Multiverse of Madness” of multiverses

Me? Vicariously living through a bunch of pixels?

Eun-woo x Rebel is the duo I didn’t know I...

Get in, this experiment’s going to space 🚀

Now playing: Pride anthems, catchy bops, and P-pop royalty

F is for friends who make aegyo stickers together 🎵

*2011 YouTube war flashbacks*

Pride month (film nerd version)

Nintendo Switch users: 1 / Everybody else: 0

Oh, you don’t wanna know what I’m listening to 24/7?...

Introducing the Ilustrados of Ilustra Junior High

In Lechonk we trust

Wolverine really said taste

Next stop: the gramophone?

Careless’ resident rapper talks about his debut record “Lahi,” growing...

The prompt for the NSTP Act of 2001 involved alleged...

Bang Chan is just like me, fr

Writer glory, here I come