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Live your papal dreams through the Pope Simulator

Do you want to bring world peace and be one of the most powerful people on Earth? If you do, look no further ‘cause the Pope Simulator is here. 

This game by Polish game developers, Ultimate Games, gives players an opportunity to live the papal life by doing the duties of a Pope. It starts from blessings to prayers to showering the Vatican with divinity. Although it sounds a bit sacrilegious, it seems to have some good intentions. 

“The works on the game art are at a very early preliminary stage and the first trailer has been released for illustrative purposes,”says CEO Mateusz Zawadzki in a press statement. “However, Pope Simulator is certainly a unique project demonstrating a serious approach to the subject.”

This simulator gives players freedom to justify their own perspective of the world. In addition, they can also interfere with global politics and other current affairs, letting the players face modern problems in the head of the Church’s point of view. 

“Make decisions that will weigh on the fate of humanity, convert and support the crowds. Plan the church’s strategic actions through faithful envoys. Manage your travels around the globe. Fight for peace,” reads the game description.

Read more: We ranked 7 video games, from WTF to existential dread

If you’re down to do some virtual Papal duties, this game will only be available for Windows at launch. It will take some time to be released due to the pandemic. As of now, it is still in its early stages of development. Fingers crossed they finish it in time for next year.

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Still from Pope Simulator


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