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Bake a Spotify pie chart for your next TMI post

Bake a Spotify pie chart for your next TMI post

Spotify bots: We love ’em, we hate ’em, we’ll still keep sharing them because that’s what the internet is for, right? While Spotify Wrapped is still months away, the Twitter space is gearing up for the dreaded/not-so-dreaded results through another nifty tool—the Spotify Pie.

Created by Darren Huang from the University of California, Los Angeles, the third-party bot gathers users’ listening habits of the month, then organizes them through a color-coded pie chart.

Bake a Spotify pie chart for your next TMI post

Each color indicates a specific music genre from the user’s pool of musicians from their listening history. Genres can go from more sweeping labels like pop or rock, or to more ultra-specific names like dreamo.

Bake a Spotify pie chart for your next TMI post 2

Besides the pie chart, the bot also enumerates the listener’s most played musicians, with the larger text indicating their top artist of the month. In short, the pie is ripe for those who want to judge or be judged musically—or if they, well, just want to show their awesome music taste with a Powerpoint presentation feat. hard data™.

Interested folks will only have to connect their Spotify account through the pie chart generator, and they’re good to go. 

For more psychoanalyzing Spotify bots, head on over to our list here. Fair warning: Maybe spare an afternoon, ’cause there are already 11 of ’em.

Read more:
Your music taste, but in colors? Just ask this Spotify bot
This site lets you listen to Spotify on an iPod Classic like it’s 2006
What do these unusual Spotify genres actually mean?

Screenshots from Spotify Pie


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