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Qualified UPLB students can now avail of a P7.5k mental health assistance

Let’s be real: College, though often romanticized, can be an extremely stressful period. You’re alone in an unfamiliar territory where you quickly need to adjust to a life juggling classes, extracurriculars, social life, and sleep, among other things. Add in the pressure to transition into adulthood in the middle of a pandemic, and ta-da, you have the makings of an academically stressed young adult.

This environment is what usually causes most students to crash as it can be difficult to stay on top of everything without sacrificing mental well-being. Sometimes, even free counseling sessions and mental health training won’t cut it anymore.

Luckily, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) has decided to take care of its students’ well-being further. 

In a letter released from the Office of the Chancellor posted by the UPLB Perspective, the university will start providing P7,500 cash assistance (per semester) to “eligible and qualified” students in need of mental health medications and/or consultations. Qualified students will be determined by the UPLB Office of Counseling and Guidance (UPLB-OCG).

“This aims to encourage students to seek help from mental health professionals, including those having second thoughts about seeking assistance,” said UPLB Vice Chancellor for Administration Ronaldo Bello in a memorandum released on June 17.

Prior to this, the institution has been actively rolling out programs that focus on “prevention, preparation, intervention, and information dissemination and awareness on mental health issues.”

For more information and inquiries regarding the program, you may reach the UPLB-OCG on Facebook. Now, can other universities take notes? 

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Art by Yel Sayo


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